Dutch WordPress startup, WordProof, has received a 1 million euros from the European Commission. The grant was created to encourage developers to find ways to use blockchain technology as a way to solve social issues.

WordProof is aimed at giving consumers a way to validate information using the Timestamp Ecosystem. This gives readers and search engines a way to quickly find sources for content.

“Misinformation is such a problem and time stamping is part of the solution,” said WordProof founder Sebastiaan van der Lans. “You can prove you didn’t tamper with the information and verify it’s you.”

The grant comes from the European Innovation Council. According to the press release, the council was looking for blockchain solutions for “fair trade and circular economy, increasing transparency in production processes and quality information, improving accountability and contributing to financial inclusion and renewable energy.”

“With the recognition and financial support from Europe, we can roll out the Timestamp Ecosystem at a higher pace and make WordProof grow even faster as a company. This will enable Europe to define the standard for a reliable Internet for consumers and organizations,” said Van der Lans.

The WordProof plugin is available for free.