Month: June 2019

Gutenberg Team is Exploring Adding Motion to Block Moving Actions

In a post titled “Using Motion to Express Change,” Gutenberg designer and engineer Matías Ventura takes a deep dive into how animation can be applied to interfaces to replicate realistic motion. These animations can sometimes more clearly communicate changes, particularly in relationship to the action of moving or reordering items on a page. “Even though the…

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WP Mobile Menu Review: Create a Better WordPress Mobile Menu

Mobile traffic accounts for around half of all the website traffic on the Internet (maybe more for your niche), which is why pretty much every WordPress theme advertises itself as responsive nowadays. But here’s the thing – “responsive” just means that your website will adapt to different devices, it doesn’t automatically mean that your mobile…

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The Evolving Purpose of Blogging

In the last eight years or so, maybe less, the way we blog has changed. Maybe not so much in terms of how we do it but in terms of:what it is that we have to say,how we say what we want to say,how other people read what it is that we have to say…

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