The Genesis Framework is the most popular framework for WordPress developers. The framework is suitable for both novice and advanced WordPress users, is search-engine optimized, and offers unmatched security. Additionally, the framework has been completely optimized for Gutenberg, allowing for seamless and enjoyable content creation.

In this webinar, join WordPress expert and influencer Carrie Dills as she talks about how she uses the Genesis Framework to help her get client sites up and running quickly while future-proofing them at the same time. This webinar is suitable for developers, agencies, freelancers/consultants, or anyone who wants to become more familiar with Genesis or Gutenberg. The live webinar will happen on February 27th, 2019 11:00 a.m. CST (12:00 p.m. EST/ 9:00 a.m. PST/ 17:00 UTC/GMT). 

Register For the Webinar Today

Here are some things you’ll learn:

  • What is the Genesis Framework and how to get started
  • Becoming familiar with Gutenberg
  • How Genesis and WP Engine help to future-proof your site
  • And more!

Can’t attend the live session? Sign up anyway and we’ll notify you when the recorded version is ready to view.

See you there!