Domain Reseller has finally arrived! Learn all about the new feature and find out how you can earn a share of the one million dollars (yes, you read that right) we’re giving away to celebrate the completion of our Reseller platform.

A screen showing an example of offering domains on your website
Earn a share of $1 million in free credits with Domain Reseller.

At the end of last year we finally unveiled our Reseller platform to the world, and many of you are already using it to create amazing businesses.

However, since the initial release, one vital ingredient has been missing that you’ve been patiently waiting for…

So we’re thrilled to announce today that full domain reseller automation is finally here!

This means you can now automate reselling domains, hosting, and templates directly on your website, or through your white-label client portal.

But wait, there’s more!

To celebrate the completion of Reseller, we’re also doing a massive $1 million giveaway for those looking to kickstart their Reseller business, without having to put any money down.

Read on for a quick overview of Reseller’s new domain automation capabilities, and more details on how you can get your hands on a share of the $1 million!

Feel free to skip to what interests you most:

Domain Reseller Overview

Resell all supported TLDs under your own brand

Domain Reseller - Add TLDs
Resell 250+ top-level domain extensions … and there are more coming soon!

No more recommending third-party domain providers to clients, or buying on their behalf, we’ve made it super easy to set up profitable domains to sell to your clients, under your own brand.

You can choose from 250+ wholesale-priced top-level domain names (TLDs). Just apply your chosen % or $ markup, and voilá, the domains will be added as reseller products, ready for resale.

Add an easy search & buy widget on your site

Domain Reseller - Customize widget screen.
Customize your domain reseller widget to match your brand.

Making your domains available for purchase on your website couldn’t be easier.

You can customize how domains will be shown on your site with our customizable widget, which allows you to change the background, label and button colors. Then easily embed the widget onto your site with shortcode or Gutenberg block.

Effortless and automated client self-checkout

Domain registration checkout screen.
We’ve automated your client’s domain registration and purchase process, so you can resell domains and earn money while you sleep!

Your reseller domains can be easily purchased directly from your website. No jumping away to a third-party payment processor – it’s all handled from start to finish on your site.

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Purchased domains will then be accessed and managed inside your white label client portal, where clients can also pay for renewals and add new domains.

Right now, domain and hosting checkout are separate, but soon when your clients buy hosting they’ll be prompted to add a domain (or vice versa), and everything will be automatically connected and propagated for them, including DNS setup!

We’re also building a fully integrated ticketing system for the client portal that will streamline the way you communicate with your reseller clients and assist them.

That’s it, your clients can now search for and buy domains directly from you, all under your own brand, at the price you set, all automated from start to finish.

The million-dollar giveaway! $$

Been thinking about trying our Reseller platform? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to start a reseller business, but never had the time or resources…

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Because we’re literally GIVING you free credit to kickstart any business you dream up!

There’s also zero risk, because as well as funding you to get started with Reseller, you will receive top notch support for your business at every step from our 24/7 expert team.

To be eligible for a share of $1 million hosting credit, all you have to do is be an Agency member and use Reseller, as these credits can only be used exclusively through the platform, and put toward hosting sites only.

To claim your credit, simply reach out to our team via live chat or contact us directly here.

How much credit can you claim?

Well, that all depends on your business and what you’re planning!

When you get in touch, we’ll discuss how you plan to use Reseller and your rough business plan (we can help you with this if needed!), this will then help us determine a fair credit amount to help you get things off the ground.

Once done, we’ll add the free credit to your account, ready for you to use instantly – it’s that easy!

We’re also operating this credit giveaway on a ‘first in, first served’ basis, so if you’re interested be quick, you don’t want to miss out on securing a slice of the $1 million pie!

Become an Agency member to claim your share of the $1 million

Keen to join the celebration and get your hands on a share of the $1 million? As mentioned, signing up to our Agency plan gives you full access.

Plus, you get instant exclusives like $144 free yearly hosting credit, and access to 50% off pricing, so your giveaway credit will go even further.

And of course, you get full access to our Reseller platform, including the brand new domain automation capabilities featured in this article.

Still unsure? We get it, and Agency comes with a full risk-free money-back guarantee. So if you’re not satisfied the platform is delivering what you wanted within the first 30 days, just cancel and we’ll refund you in full, no questions asked.

Let us know what you think of the new Domain Reseller features and if you are thinking of getting involved in the giveaway. We want to hear all about it!