Did you know that there is a time-saving feature that lets you easily install your favorite plugins from WordPress.org? It’s called…Favorites!

If you build sites for clients or just want to share a list of your favorite free plugins (and themes and block patterns) from WordPress.org with other WordPress users, this feature can be a real time saver.

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Set up a WordPress.org Account

All you need is a free WordPress.org account. If you haven’t registered an account with WordPress.org yet, it’s free to set up and lets you do things like create a profile, post questions in the support forums, and, of course, favorite WordPress plugins, themes, block patterns, etc.

WordPress.org - Register link
Click on the Register link to create a free account at WordPress.org.

Create a Favorite Plugins Collection

To set up a collection of your favorite plugins, log into your WordPress.org account, and as you browse through the site, click on the heart-shaped icon to mark items as favorites.

Click on the heart icon to favorite a plugin (or theme, or block pattern)

You can then view a list of all your favorited items anytime by going into your WordPress.org profile and selecting the “Favorites” tab.

WordPress.org account profile area.
View a list of all your favorited items in your WordPress.org account profile area.

Accessing and Sharing Your Favorite Plugins

Now, when you go into your WordPress dashboard, you can access the Favorites section in the Plugins >> Add New sub-menu and pull in favorited plugins from WordPress.org.

plugins add favorites 1
Click on the Favorites menu and enter your username (or another user’s to view their favorites).

Add your username (or anyone else’s if they’re sharing their favorite list with you), and click the Get Favorites button, and that list of favorited plugins will display at the bottom of the page.

plugins add favorites 1

From here you can easily install all of them. Simply right-click on the Install Now link for each plugin you want to add.

Tip: If you want to save time bulk installing and managing your favorite plugins across multiple WordPress sites, then we recommend using the My Plugins feature of The Hub.

While this doesn’t bring up a list of the plugins you have favorited on WordPress.org, you can build up a list of your favorite WordPress.org plugins inside The Hub and reuse this list across all other sites you are managing by simply clicking on The Hub > Plugins > Add New > Favorites tab.

The Hub - Plugins
Create a list of your favorite plugins in The Hub to bulk install and manage these easily on your sites.

Hopefully, this WordPress tip will make favoriting plugins more useful to you. Create your own custom list of plugins on WordPress.org and The Hub to help speed up the process of setting up and managing WordPress sites.
