Hummingbird has now crossed a staggering one million downloads quickly becoming everyone’s favorite speed and performance plugin for WordPress.

And we’re not just improving your sites speed and performance (with all the built-in cache options you can handle, GZIP compression, asset optimization, and free site scans), we’ve integrated it with the Hub’s world-class WordPress site manager. Hummingbird Pro includes uptime monitoring, reports, notifications, and more.

Tell me something I don’t know… Hummingbird now includes notifications and the ability to display, schedule, and send Uptime reports right from the WordPress dashboard!

Now you or your clients can access and send Uptime reports and notifications without logging on to the Hub. Brilliant!

Let’s take a look under the hood. (Wanna follow along? Get Hummingbird Pro and the Hub free.)

Hummingbird Uptime

Once you login to Hummingbird, navigate to the Uptime tab. Alongside the included Response Time and Downtime monitoring graphs you will see two new tabs, Notifications and Reporting.

Reports and Notifications in Hummingbird for Uptime
New Reports and Notifications added to the Uptime overview in Hummingbird.

Use Reporting to scheduled email reports that include Response Time data and any Downtime logs from the selected period.

A summary of the week is great for client retention and keeping an eye on system trends, but what about when an outage happens?

This is where Notifications come in! Knowing the minute your site goes down can save you and/or your client’s hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars and help protect your reputation.

Notifications uses our advanced Uptime API to ping your website every 2 minutes to see if everything is OK. If your website is very slow, or completely down Hummingbird will send a notification to you, your clients, developers on your team, or anyone you think needs to know.

Activate Uptime notifications in Hummingbird
Activate Uptime notifications from Hummingbird right inside the WordPress dashboard.

Upgraded Third-Party, Core and System Compatibility

We all expect the same thing from our WordPress hosting, plugins, and themes. We just want them to all work… and play nice with each other – is that too much to ask?

With millions of configurations, Hummingbird has proven steady and flexible for hundreds of thousands of sites. And now she comes packed with more one-click compatible than ever.

Hummingbird has already been updated to be compatible with PHP 7.3. We also introduced cache clearing in the admin bar for Gutenberg enabled pages and posts. And we’ve cleaned up a conflict for WP Hide users.

Hummingbird Gutenberg compatibility
Clear your cache from the admin bar. Now compatible with the Gutenberg WordPress editor.

Want Your Sites to Really Fly? Checkout WPMU DEV Hosting

Hummingbird can boost performance on any WordPress site no matter what host you use, but without server access, her powers have been limited. Until now!

One of the most exciting elements of building our own hosting is the control it unlocks for our performance and security experts. Plugin solutions are great but limited. If you’re looking for a truly optimized experience you’ll be blown away by our hybrid Hummingbird optimized server setup. Managed hosting built by experts for optimal WordPress performance.

Sounds expensive, right? We’re giving our members 3 sites of blazing fast hosting absolutely free with their membership.

If you have a need for speed get Hummingbird on or unlock the power of Hummingbird Pro with a WPMU DEV membership. Get started absolutely free.