Hustle 4.0 comes with an improved workflow, better design, more analytics, and a slick data privacy upgrade. If you’re looking to increase your following, grow your mailing list, or capture leads with WordPress, Hustle has you covered.

Hustle is the WordPress marketers best friend with master level control over pop-ups, slide-ins, opt-ins, and social sharing. No coding required and seamless integration with over 1000 third-party applications.

All the web marketing tools you need bundled into one smooth operator.

With more than 1 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of active users, 4.0 celebrates a refined design, better stats, and more control of stored data.

Hustle 4.0 Pro is available now with your WPMU DEV membership, join today free for 30-days. Or get Hustle free on It’s more than enough for most users but if you’re looking for unlimited pop-ups, share bars, and slide-ins you’ll want to upgrade.

Install Hustle, grab a pint, and let’s take a look at what’s new in 4.0!

SUI Gets a new Definition

You’ve heard of a System User Interface but have you heard of a Sexy User Interface? Hustle’s gone through some drastic revisions over the years combining popular features from PopUp Pro, Slide-In, and Social Sharing to create the ultimate all-in-one WordPress marketing plugin.

Today, Hustle takes on the latest iteration of the WPMU DEV hero style guide… and my goodness is it fresh.

Hustle SUI
Hustle 4.0 follows WPMU DEV’s minimal style guide – clean, easy, and fresh.

From the moment the wizard opens you’ll find our classic minimal design that makes it feel like your WordPress site got an upgrade. If you’re completely new to WPMU DEV you’ll be shocked at just how quickly you’re able to push your first full functioning email magnet or lead generating pop-up.

For users of our other 5-star plugins like Forminator, Defender, Hummingbird and of course Smush, you’ll love the fluidity a standardized experience brings from marketing and form building to performance and security.

All new Integrations Engine

Hustle has nearly 20 built-in integrations and can connect with more than 1,000 web apps using Zapier.

But until now, each module has been limited to just one active integration at a time. For Zapier users this may not be a huge problem but what if you wanted to use one pop-up to grow multiple lists? Now you can send contacts to Hubspot and MailChimp or Aweber, ConvertKit, and Mad Mimi.

And then set up Zaps for Slack, Asana, Trello, and Ajira to automate and drastically improve your workflow.

Hustle makes sure every channel is connected so you can focus on growth.

And speaking of integrations, we’ve made it easier to find and manage global setting and add or update API keys under the new integrations menu.

Hustle Integrations Module
Your favorite integrations at your fingertips.

User Data Privacy Control

User privacy is a big deal and we want to do right by our subscribers in protecting and managing the information they share with us. 4.0 includes more control over the content you store locally. Hustle got upgraded navigation and filtering tools as well as a simple delete tool for quickly removing user data.

We’ve also added per module analytic tracking so you can see how each of your modules are performing with the ability to delete tracking data per individual module. More control over user data is a win-win for privacy and improving conversions.

Hustle data privacy
Hustle gives you full control over data privacy for each subscriber in every module.

More Control, Better Performance

Of course, Hustle looks modern, fly, and fresh but our dev team didn’t stop with a mere facade overhaul. Hustle has never performed better or offered developers more control over individual elements.

From colors to form fields to per social network counter types, and cross-browser and page builder compatibility, Hustle has tighter code from Javascript to how your content is rendered. A marketing plugin that performs as good as he looks. Fierce.

Pop-ups, Opt-ins, and Social Sharing for Every Occasion

This is where things get really good. Hustle 4.0 has something for every client from small businesses and non-profit passion projects to jumbo enterprise sites with elaborate configurations running multiple targeted campaigns at once.

Get started with Hustle on absolutely free. Or use Hustle Pro on unlimited sites along with our complete suite of marketing, performance, security, hosting, and site management tools. Here are 30-days of pro service absolutely free. If it turns out to be more than you need, cancel and we’ll let you keep Hustle Pro as a gift just for giving a WPMU DEV membership a run through.
