Do you want to start learning JavaScript but don’t know how or where to begin? In this post, we will give you the guidance you need to start educating yourself in the popular programming language.

We will talk about why you might consider learning JavaScript both in terms of difficulty and career prospects. After that, the post will cover how you can get started, often for free. When you are finished, we want you to have a good understanding of how to start learning JavaScript from scratch on your own.

What Is JavaScript and Why Learn It?

Before getting into how you can start educating yourself in JavaScript, let’s talk about reasons for doing so. For that, it’s useful to know what you can use the programming language for.

Applications for JavaScript

Let’s first talk about web design. When it comes to building websites, JavaScript is the part that makes them interactive. While HTML provides the skeleton and content and CSS defines a site’s layout and design, JavaScript is there to add functionality and behavior. You can find it most commonly as part of drop-down menus, popups and other modals, contact forms, animations, and interactive maps.

example for a javascript application: interactive map

Just like HTML and CSS, JavaScript is also something that every browser can understand and process.

In WordPress, too, we are seeing an increased application of JavaScript. Calypso, the desktop app for is completely based on JavaScript, specifically React and Node.js.

Calypso stack: one of the reasons to start learning javascript
Calypso is built on a modern JavaScript stack.

The Gutenberg editor, which replaced the classic WordPress editor as the default writing interface in 2018, also uses JavaScript as its prime technology.

wordpress gutenberg editor: example for javascript application

While originally a client-side language (meaning it is interpreted and processed in the user browser), thanks to Node.js it can now also run server side. In addition, React Native and Iconic brought it to mobile devices, Electron to desktop.

Consequently, the application of JavaScript goes way beyond the web. You can use it to create web apps and back end products, run smart TVs, Internet-of-Things devices, and native mobile apps. Plus, because it’s cross-platform compatible, it can power desktop apps that work everywhere.

Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript

Besides knowing what you can use JavaScript for, it also helps to examine its pros and cons.

JavaScript Pros

Let’s start with the advantages of JavaScript as a programming language:

  • Versatility — We already mentioned the myriad areas of application for JavaScript above. From websites, mobile and desktop apps, to smart devices and games, even machine learning — there’s very little you can’t use it for. JavaScript is also both suitable for the front end and back end and works well with other programming languages. In short, JavaScript is a versatility powerhouse.
  • Beginner friendliness — JavaScript’s syntax is easy to learn. There is also no need to build a development environment, you can just start coding in your browser. In addition, the language has a large online community for advice and support. Plus, JavaScript is great to learn basic concepts (e.g. object oriented programming) that apply to other languages as well. Finally, there are many frameworks that can give you a leg up.
  • Speed — When compared with other programming languages, especially those running server-side like PHP, JavaScript usually executes faster. That’s no wonder since it can run directly in the browser without the need for compiling or talking back to a server (unless it needs outside resources). It also results in reduced demand on the server. Therefore, its often the choice for apps or sites with lots of interactivity.

Cons of JavaScript

Does JavaScript have any disadvantages? Of course, few things are completely without downsides. In this case, here’s what to think about:

  • Security concerns — Because JavaScript is running inside the user browser, it’s possible to exploit it for malicious intent. That’s why some people choose to switch it off in their browser by default.
  • Cross-browser support — In contrast to server-side scripts, sometimes different browser interpret the same JavaScript code differently. This can make it hard to write code that is cross-browser compatible.
  • SEO — It’s not entirely clear how well search engines can crawl JavaScript, so it presents a potential SEO issue. At any rate, you need to learn how to implement JavaScript in an SEO friendly manner.

Career Prospects

In recent years, the programming language has become more and more popular. In the Stack Overflow developer survey of 2021 it was voted the most popular programming language among professional developers. For the ninth year in a row!

stack overflow developer survey 2021 most popular languages

In addition, the top-5 web frameworks are also all JavaScript frameworks.

stack overflow developer survey 2021 most popular web frameworks

As the language moves to new areas, it opens up more and more job opportunities. Devskiller found that in 2019, 72% of all companies were looking for JavaScript developers. The programming language is also the most commonly tested skill in interviews.

If you want to be a front-end of full-stack developer, knowing JavaScript is pretty much par for the course. In addition, should you want to get into game development, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, knowing JavaScript is useful as well.

Plus, people skilled in JavaScript can command good salaries. According to the average base salary of a JavaScript developer in the United States is $111,278 per year. Even beginners can expect to start at $90,000.

javascript developer salary united states 2021

Plus, when you search for JavaScript on LinkedIn, it shows over 400,000 job openings in the United States alone. So, with JavaScript skills under your belt, you are facing both good job opportunities and well paid ones.

Is JavaScript Easy to Learn for Beginners?

Further up, we mentioned that one of the advantages of JavaScript is that it’s easy to learn. In order to show you that that is true, we will go over some basic JavaScript concepts and code now. That way, you can form an opinion for yourself.


Let’s first talk about comments. Like most programming languages, JavaScript allows you to comment your code and mark comments in a way that the browser won’t try to execute them. That way, you can document your work without causing an error.

JavaScript knows two types of comments: single line and multi-line. Here’s how to write them:

// Nothing in this line will be executed  /*   Neither   Will   Any   of   This */

Those familiar with PHP will feel right at home as the two languages mark comments in the same way.

Outputting Data

One of the simplest ways to try out JavaScript is to use alert(). You can employ it to output a message in a popup window inside your browser.

javascript start learning alert method

To get the above, simply open up the console in your browser developer tools and paste the following code:

alert("With JavaScript, it's really easy to make this box appear.");

Pretty easy to understand, right? When you now hit enter, you should see the same message as above.

alert() is a JavaScript method to output data to the user. The string (meaning text) inside the brackets is the content of the popup. You need a semicolon at the end to signify that the line of code is complete.

With this knowledge, it’s already possible to try it out for yourself. Simply change the string inside the brackets (make sure to put it in quotation marks) to whatever you want to create your own popup.

javascript alert method example with console

Manipulating the DOM

In web design, you most often use JavaScript to make changes to the user interface or DOM. DOM stands for “Document Object Model” and is basically the tree of HTML elements that make up a web page. You can see it when you inspect any page with the developer tools.

inspect html in browser developer tools

JavaScript offers a lot of different options to make changes to it. Let’s go over an example to show how it can do so and what it looks like.


Start Learning JavaScript Demo Page

Above, we have created a simple HTML page. As you can see, its has a heading and an empty paragraph element with an ID of target (if you don’t know about HTML classes and IDs, you can learn more here).

There is also a JavaScript script at the bottom. It has been wrapped in