WordPress 6.2.2 was released early this morning as a rapid follow-up to 6.2.1, which introduced a bug that broke shortcode support in block templates. Version 6.2.1 was also an important security release, but due to the catastrophic breakage for those using shortcodes in block templates, some users were implementing insecure workarounds or simply downgrading to 6.2 to keep critical functionality working on their websites.

WordPress contributors worked quickly over the weekend to ensure that users can now update to 6.2.2 with their shortcodes intact. The release post identified the removal of shorcode support in the previous release as “a regression” and a bug. This is an important recognition, as shortcodes are still a tool that users frequently rely on to insert functionality from plugins that haven’t made it available as a block, as well as a necessity for things that won’t work without inline shortcodes.

Version 6.2.2 is also a security release, as core contributor Jonathan Desrosiers said that the issue patched in 6.2.1 “needed further hardening” in this update.

Users are advised to update immediately and automatic updates are rolling out. Many reported having turned automatic background updates off for core after 6.2.1 broke their websites. Users who did so will need to manually update as soon as possible.