Ultimate Branding, our white label plugin for completely rebranding WordPress just got a well-deserved superhero upgrade. Say hello to Branda! Simple stunning white label branding, maintenance mode and coming soon landing pages, all the rebranding WordPress can handle, and some it can’t… Groove on.

Branda is the Branding Hero WordPress Has Been Looking For!

Need a custom login screen for WordPress? Want to replace all the WordPress logos with your own? What about maintenance mode or coming soon pages?

WordPress branding is all over your login page, dashboard, system emails, footers, menus, and code. Branda lets you completely white label your CMS.

If you’re looking for a complete rundown of features, jump over to the plugin page to learn more about how Branda can be used to transform the WordPress dashboard. But really, if you’re at all interested download Branda for free.

Get WPMU DEV free for 30-days, including Branda 3.0 for unlimited sites, no obligation. Cancel at any time and keep Branda as our gift for giving us a try. No explanation needed.

Branda 3.0 (the plugin formerly know as Ultimate Branding)

Branda coming soon pages for WordPress
Build custom coming soon and maintenance mode pages with countdown timers.

Now onto the good stuff. It’s no secret that I’ve been a Branda fan dating back since her humble beginnings. Branda has amassed 30 modules for customizing the dashboard. To get the functionality Branda offers would take hundreds of complex plugin combinations.

As you already know, not a good idea. It complicates site management, increases the chances of plugin conflicts, and creates more potential security vulnerabilities. Branda is the one white label branding plugin you need.

Now, with an epic new interface.

Bulk select customization modules Branda
Branda lets you bulk manage customization modules.

So much control may sound complicated, but Branda 3.0 makes quick work of even simple tasks like adding a custom favicon or embedding a widget into your client’s dashboard.

Bulk Manage Customization

Activate Branda, select the customizations you need, and get started with a click.

Improve the admin area, upgrade and style system emails, add custom dashboard widgets and activate new utilities. Branda has five categories for quickly branding.

Custom white label modules for WordPress branding
Branda comes packed with everything you need to white label WordPress from front to back.

Setup Branda Once and Move Her to All Your Sites

If you’re managing a bunch of sites, you can use Branda’s import/export tool to move your custom styles with ease. Use the same options across your client sites to streamline production and still offer a custom dashboard experience.

Hooray for New Themes

We’ve talked about the UX, but Branda has some stellar new looks starting with 3 new Login screen themes you can use to make fast changes – AbstractTag, Blue Tree, and Balloons.

Balloon theme login screen customization
Branda includes some smooth looking templates for letting you customize quickly

Branda includes templates for emails, the login screen, coming soon pages, maintenance mode, DB error messages, cookie notices, and more.

GDPR, Cookies, and You

We all want to treat our user’s data with respect. Some plugins just make it easier. Branda has built-in cookie opt-in notifications and 3.0 comes with new styling options.

Very cool.

Do cookie opt-in notifications with style. Customize and comply.

And for moving, storing, and managing settings you can choose exactly what Branda saves and tracks. Clear settings and log data when moving configurations from site-to-site.

All-In-One CMS White Label Plugin for WordPress

It’s everything you loved about Ultimate Branding but better. More control and better organized. As a long time user Branda 3.0 has my heart (but I’ve always been a bit bias).

If you’re on the fence about Branda, you don’t need me to convince you. Start using Branda and all the WPMU DEV plugins, services and support absolutely free. Cancel anytime in the next 30-days, you won’t be charged, and we’ll let you keep Branda. Yep, Free.